"Mayhem", 48" x 48", Oil on Canvas, Blood, 2010

"Kirche", 38" x 48", Acrylic and Oil on Canvas, 2009

"Mod Girl", 24" x 38", Acrylic and Oil on Canvas, 2010

"Eye of the Beholder", 48" x 48", Acrylic on Canvas, 2009

"Olivia", 48"x48", Acrylic on Canvas, 2009

"Shelby" 48" x 48", acrylic on canvas, 2009
And now for the big question I know you are all dying to ask: "Where oh where can I purchase these lovely paintings for my personal collection/museum/gallery that I curate?" The answers are as follows: "Mod Girl" is being auctioned off at the Grosse Pointe Academy Action Auction on May 8th, more info here: http://www.academyactionauction.org/
All of the other pieces seen above will be for sale at the upcoming College For Creative Studies end of the year student show, Friday May 14th. I will have quite a bit up seeing as this is my last semester at CCS! My studio is also full to bursting so expect the prices to be within reason ;) More information here: http://www.collegeforcreativestudies.edu/seo
It's been fun but I am excited to move on to greener pastures. U of M's School of Art and Design for my MFA? Yale? Chicago Academy of the Arts? Time will tell, o faithful blog viewers..